Bannack Best


1. Shootout  B&W
2. 5/24/2012, 3:30 PM
3.Bannack, MT
4. f/5.6
5. 1/100
6. Canon EOS Rebel T3
I loved this capture and knew I had a good shot when I pushed the shutter. The feel was very relaxed and natural, the light was good, and the composition was not bad. Little editing other than exposure, sharpening, and desaturation for black and white.

1. Shootout Sepia
2. 5/24/2012, 3:30 PM
3.Bannack, MT
4. f/5.6
5. 1/150
6. Canon EOS Rebel T3
My very last shot of the shootout. As Sister Esplin called to crap things up, I whispered at the model to look at me. He turned his whole head towards me. I motioned for him to turn back around and then said “just your eyes.” This was my favorite shot of this model and one of my favorites of the day. Post – PS sepia effect.

1. Cards
2. 5/24/2012, 3:30 PM
3.Bannack, MT
4. f/5
5. 1/8
6. Canon EOS Rebel T3
I admit – I have a thing for playing cards. I brought these old, worn looking cards along for this kind of shot. Little editing was done beyond saturation, exposure, and a burned left edge.

1.Truck HDR
2. 5/24/2012, 3:30 PM
3.Bannack, MT
4. f/23
5. 1/250
6. Canon EOS Rebel T3, Tripod
My favorite standard HDR of the trip. Not much to say other than that I played with the sats and contrast/detail levels. I let the picture speak for itself.

1. Shootout Model 1
2. 5/24/2012, 3:30 PM
3.Bannack, MT
4. f/23
5. 1/150
6. Canon EOS Rebel T3, Tripod
My favorite shot of the day. Had to balance the shooting angle with the sun moving fast in order to not blow our the sky. Very little post editing.


2 responses to “Bannack Best

  • hansenmoments

    Hey there Lyle Borders, These shoots looked really good, I like the one with the slighly desaturated boy and the gun. Also the playing cards are nice because I can really see the good texture of the cards and the old table. The truck HDR is my third favorite, but the sky on the truck HDR looks a bit weird.

  • jasonmw13

    Lyle dudebro, you got some killer pics at Bannack, but I really love how you edit your pictures just to add a little bit more of feeling and effect to your pictures. The sepia tone goes along perfectly with your playing cards and that lens flare you got at the top of that building. You the man.

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