1. Brush Macro
2. 5/24/2012, 3:30 PM
3.Bannack, MT
4. f/–
5. 1/1000
6. Canon EOS Rebel T3, Extension Tubes
Though this is not the most well done shot of the day, I thought it was one of the more interesting. I decided to experiment with macro extension tubes, and this was part of the result. It took me a while to get in close and hand focus, but I was able to get a (mostly) clean shot. The band of focus is TINY in this picture. Without aperature control, I was not able to keep the front most section from blurring, but I did my best. Post editing brought out the beauty of this tiny branch of a shrub.

1. Books
2. 5/24/2012, 3:30 PM
3.Bannack, MT
4. f/4
5. 1/30
6. Canon EOS Rebel T3
I snapped this shot in the sherrif’s house while waiting for another shot to clear out. I thought volume of children’s stories made for an ineresting shot. Little post edits, just small exposure changes and sharpening of the words.

1. Saw Blend
2. 5/24/2012, 3:30 PM
3.Bannack, MT
4. f/36
5. 1/15
6. Canon EOS Rebel T3
Just a simple texture overlay, masked out everywhere except for the blade. Pulled one channel from the wood texture shot (obtained via spacer ring) and layered it with fairly high transparency levels. A quick mask job finished the project.


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